she/he, agender lesbian, minor, mixed, eng/日本語 OK!


easier to read
byf i am psychotic and plural, i don't always reply the fastest, i can give dry replies, i make kys/kms jokes, i talk about my interests a lot

dni basic dni criteria, you hatemail/lovemail me, you kin me, dsmptwt, support problematic medias, under 12 over 21

note medias & sources
interests project sekai, THAT TIME I WAS BLACKMAILED BY THE CLASS'S GREEN TEA BITCH, inscryption, ace attorney, needy streamer overload, bandori, twisted wonderland, mario, legend of zelda

music leo/need, l'antica, eve, sou, nanawo akari, arctic monkeys, deco*27, rex orange county, boy pablo

extra shoutout to bonetails
流星のパルス / Leo/need x MEIKO